How to Encounter a Miracle

Feb 16, 2025    Pastor Mike Miles

How To Encounter a Miracle

Matthew 8:23-27


1. You must be FOLLOWING Jesus 

a. Simple obedience

b. Satisfying occurrences 

c. Steadfast 

2. You must have FAITH that He can!

a. They were in a position that required faith. 

b. They encountered a problem that required faith. 

c. The were in the presence of the founder of faith. 

3. You must overcome FEAR in order to see it.

a. Jesus was not FRIGHTENED by what was happening – he was sleeping. 

b. Jesus did not FALL into the trap set by everyone else on the boat – he took a deep breath before he got in their faces.

c. Jesus showed us how to FACE our situations that may only be solved with a miracle. 

i. Sometimes he calms the storms sometimes he calms me. 

ii. Sometimes, because of our own making, we must go through the storms. 

iii. Sometimes He speaks to the storm on our behalf. He could have calmed their fears and yet He wanted to prove to them that He was the creator of All.