I have a Net

Mar 2, 2025    Pastor Mike Miles

2 Kings 6:1-7

In order to experience a Miracle we must understand that:

1. God is in the DETAILS. Vs. 1-3

a. They were EAGER to LEARN. Vs. 1

b. They were EXCITED to LISTEN. Vs. 2

c. They were ELEVATED by the LESSONS.

2. God is in the DESIGN. Vs. 4-6

a. Elisha led with ACTION - He went with them.

b. Elisha led with the right ATTITUDE - I will.

3. God is in the DELIVERANCE. Vs. 7

a. It was BORROWED - indicates he was young.

b. It was BURDENING - indicates he was probably poor.

c. It was a BLESSING - He reached out his hand and took it.